Better Child Care in the GTHA 

As part of CivicAction’s Better City Bootcamp in 2015, participants drove attention to five interrelated themes that could help transform our region, including the importance of the “first 1,000 days” in a child’s life.

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Better Child Care in the GTHA

Social Policy
April 12, 2021
Problem Addressed

It is well known that rates of return on human development investment are highest during the early years, and yet about 45-50% of children (0-4 years old) are in need of licensed care in Ontario.

Solutions Implemented
  • Over a period of three months, CivicAction engaged a diverse group of employers to inform the Ministry of Education’s Renewed Early Years and Child Care Framework and Expansion Strategy. Over 30 employers contributed through a series of one-on-one interviews and a roundtable meeting on January 26, 2017.

Key Results

Identified the Ideal State

Identified the qualities of an ideal child care system, which would include more spaces with flexible schedules and a wider range of options that are more affordable.

Recognized New Opportunities

Employers recognized that a better child care system would have a positive effect on productivity and talent retention, as well as leading to a major economic boost of GDP. A well-built and accessible system would also help more women stay in their workplaces and ease the transition to and from maternity leave.

Highlighted the Need to Work Together

These employer consultations made it clear that organizations recognized the significant social and economic benefits that accompany accessible, responsive, and affordable quality child care.

Return on human investment is highest during the early years of someone’s life. We also know that access to quality and affordable childcare helps the healthy development of our children and creates more opportunities for parents to return to work. Investing in childcare now means better outcomes for our future and CivicAction has gotten employers to think about their piece of the puzzle.”

Nan DasGupta, Chair of CivicAction and Executive Advisor, Future of Work at Deloitte

As part of CivicAction’s Better City Bootcamp in 2015, participants drove attention to five interrelated themes that could help transform our region, including the importance of the “first 1,000 days” in a child’s life.

A year later, in September 2016, the Government of Ontario announced their commitment to create 100,000 more child care spaces over the next five years. Recognizing the importance of early childhood education and expanding on the work done at the Summit a year earlier, CivicAction convened a diverse group of employers to examine childhood health as a key issue in driving the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area’s (GTHA) health and resilience.

These employer consultations made it clear that organizations do recognize the significant social and economic benefits that accompany accessible, responsive, and affordable quality child care.

It was also clear that employers can, and are willing to, play a role in transforming Ontario’s child care system. For many employers, providing support to their employees in this area could be an opportunity to attract and keep valuable talent.

Standing in the way of Progress:

When child care arrangements fall through, employers face absenteeism issues. For workplaces where shifts are instrumental, this may mean employees have to work short-staffed when there is no backup in place and the employee may have to rely on other forms of child care in an emergency

Employers highlighted that it is still typical for mothers to stay home longer than fathers if parents cannot find accessible and affordable care. This is especially true if they have two or more children. This trend affects the gender wage gap as the longer women are away from the workforce, the greater the effect on their future earning potential.

We continue to encourage ongoing and deeper employer engagement to build the best possible child care system in Ontario.