Breaking Boundaries: Time to Think and Act Like a Region 

On February 10 and 11, 2011, when over 1,000 regional leaders from business, government, non-profits, labour and academia came together at CivicAction’s Greater Toronto Summit 2011, they were following in the footsteps of thousands of others who, since 2002, have worked together to identify and respond in innovative ways to our region’s strengths, challenges and opportunities.

Breaking Boundaries: Time to Think and Act Like a Region

July 1, 2011

This document is a summary of the social, economic and environmental issues discussed at the Summit and the key recommendations that it produced. For each issue, we have noted relevant challenges and strengths and the specific actions that should be taken by governments, business, non-profits and others – either acting alone or in collaboration with other sectors – to help us all make progress. As the summary of recommendations and next steps, or “civic actions”, on the next five pages show, CivicAction is committed to helping drive progress on all of these issues. Where existing organizations have the mandate and capacity to lead, CivicAction will inform and support their work, using our networks and convening experience to help incubate new efforts where that is desirable. Where there is an unresolved issue with no obvious home, we will work with partners to create needed initiatives.